Development since last post

Wow it's been 4 months since my last post. I spent all of October in Taiwan, but still…

First off, I released a new goobook Debian package for jessie today. The latest python-setuptools no longer includes "distribute", so goobook was erroring out. Since this isn't needed for the Debian package, I removed it.

On the mutt side, the mutt-dev mailing list came to life while I was in Taiwan. They released mutt 1.5.22 with one of my commits: 2788 - pager quit.

Afterwards, the floodgates opened (for a little bit) and several more of my patches were committed:
3070 - Mail-Followup-To header on postpone+resume
3083 - save attachments fix
3644 - segmentation fault when viewing an application/x-sh attachment

I still have patches for these open:
3082 - input history preserve
3564 - empty gpg uid fix
3478 - gpg signature filename
3580 - -H ignores recipient arguments on CLI
3665 - encrypting postponed messages

My opportunistic encrypt series got a few more comments and I made a small revision, but I don't think it's likely that will go in. That's okay, because I've rolled my own version with all these patches applied and am using that now (something I admittedly should have done a while ago). But at least now I'm using my own patches to give them some testing.

posted: Dec 10 2013
tags: debian goobook mutt